20 ways to become a brave philanthropist

What does it mean to be a philanthropist? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a philanthropist as "a person who gives generously to help other people.” So, in short, philanthropists are people who care about others and want to make a positive impact in their lives. A philanthropist is YOU.

Yet, despite women holding nearly 40 percent of global wealth and being more likely to give to charitable organizations, very few women view themselves as philanthropists.

Now, while some women may naturally feel inclined to help those around them, other women may need a little bit of guidance on how to become a #bravephilanthropist. That’s right, we all need a little help sometimes, and that is perfectly okay.

Here’s the best news: Philanthropy isn’t one size fits all. Therefore, if you're looking for ways to give back this year, read on! I’ve compiled 20 tips that will help you make a difference and do good that matters.

Working nine to five, you’re crunched for time and short on money.

  1. Follow your favorite organizations on social media and share their content.

  2. Subscribe to your favorite organization’s newsletter.

  3. Say “yes” to rounding up and donating at the cash register.

  4. Samoas? Yes, please! Support local organizations, like the Girl Scouts of the USA

  5. Don’t hold back. Talk about the missions of organizations that inspire you.

  6. Use  services, like Amazon Smiles, Target Circle Community Giving, and Kroger’s Community Awards, when shopping for everyday purchases.

  7. Call or email your elected officials and tell them your thoughts about an important issue in your community.

Feeling good as hell, you’ve got some time or money, and you’re ready to make a difference.

  1. Attend an event or rally sponsored by your favorite charity.

  2. Sign up to volunteer at an event.

  3. Host a virtual or in-person lunch and learn at your home or business.

  4. Vote for, give to, or volunteer for candidates who support issues that are important to you issue(s).

  5. Launch a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign with crowdfunding services, such as GoFundMe.com.

  6. Make a recurring donation to a women’s or girl’s organization.

  7. Join a giving circle and expand your impact.

You’re unstoppable. You've got time and money, and you are on a mission to change the world!

  1. Become a micro-investor with organizations, like Kiva.

  2. Maximize your impact and give through a donor-advised fund.

  3. Make a major gift to an organization that matters.

  4. Establish a family foundation and make a bold impact.

  5. Invest in planned giving through retirement or estate planning.

  6. Channel your inner Leslie Knope and run for office.

Let’s keep it real. If you can make time to browse the Dollar Spot aisle at Target, #targetdollarspot, Girl, you have time and the resources to support a cause that matters. Every dollar and every minute counts. You can do it, and I promise you that your “do-good-ness” is on the brink of being magical. So start today!

How will you become a #BravePhilanthropist? Share your story with me on social media or in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Are you still feeling overwhelmed? No worries. I got you. Here’s a list of my favorite women’s and girls' organizations to get you started.